Friday, December 13, 2019

Nature vs Nurture Free Essays

Nature vs. Nurture essayPosted by admin as Essays Example essay on Nature vs Nurture: The natural characteristics of a person can either be quite similar or quite different to the unnatural characteristics of a person. The natural characteristics of a person are the traits that come from their parents; the ones that people are born with which are genetical. We will write a custom essay sample on Nature vs Nurture or any similar topic only for you Order Now These traits are developed biologically. The unnatural characteristics of a person, or the nurtured characteristics, are the traits that people develop themselves after they are born. The environment of a person’s life greatly determines their personality. The traits a person has that they weren’t born with are the traits that the environment has influenced on them. There are many traits that I have inherited naturally through genetics from my mom and dad. I can tell that my work ethic has been inherited from my dad because he is a very hard worker and I also strive to achieve my personal best. My mom tends to be very sensitive at times and concerned for other people’s feelings, which I know, I have inherited. I have also inherited my dad’s super mathematical skills and my mom’s artistic abilities. I can also tell that I have inherited a good sense of well being from my mom. There are also many behaviors that I have developed from the environment I grew up in. I have learned to respect all people from being influenced at school and by my parents. I’ve also been trained to be responsible of things such as doing my work. I learned that if I am not responsible and don’t do my work, then I must pay bad consequences. I have also learned from experiences that if I do what I am supposed to do, I may be rewarded for it. I have been influenced to do something that will benefit myself and be rewarded for good things done. My environment has influenced me in many ways to act upon certain things automatically. Things like looking both ways before crossing the street, or other things that appear to be common sense are learned from nurture. I believe that my personality is a combination of both nature and nurture. I think that I am probably more nurtured though. I have gone through many experiences in which I have learned different lessons. These lessons have taught me how to act in my life. I know that I am a very different person than my mom or my dad. I don’t have very much in common with either of them. Although we do share some of the same aspects, I feel that I am more different from them than alike. I have developed the majority of my social skills from my friends and not my parents. Most of my social life revolves around my friends, who have influenced me in a lot of the decisions I make and in the way I act. I don’t socialize with my parents nearly as much as I do with my peers. I don’t think I know my parents well enough to say if I am like them when they are around their friends or not though. My personality is also partly nature though because I find that I do think like my parents sometimes. Most of the time I find that I think more like my friends because I am around them a lot more. My parents and I share a lot of the same opinions too, and not just because I grew up thinking the same way they do. The nature and nurture of a person can vary greatly. Sometimes there are certain things that are hard to decide whether they are inherited or learned. I might share some qualities with my parents, but they could just be characteristics that I learned in my life that my parents also learned in their lives too and weren’t inherited. I believe that genes indicate the potential for one’s behavior and personality, and that the environment helps create the extent as to how that behavior is carried out. How to cite Nature vs Nurture, Essay examples Nature vs nurture Free Essays I was reading an article called â€Å"Nature Nurture In Psychology written by Saul Mcleod published by the website â€Å"psychologically. Org† In 2007 1 was deeply intrigued by the argument. Are the things we do in life coming from our surroundings or are we the way we are the day that we’re born? The article defines and answers all questions or curiosities we had about this subject and supports each and every one of them with psychological resources. We will write a custom essay sample on Nature vs nurture or any similar topic only for you Order Now As you read the article you start o realize and understand the meaning to the question and start to make your own opinions and assumptions. There is the question that we all want to know, but we couldn’t figured it out yet. So the question Is; what makes our personality nature or nurture? Every people answering this question differently, some people says nature Is making our personality, some people says nurture or some people says the both. I believe that the both things are making our lives, because we all have some skills from our parents that we can’t ignore. Also, things that we are seeing changing us too. For example I was trusting people that I just met, but when I get hurt from one of them it changed all my behavior, now it is so hard to trust someone for me. On the other hand, the video that I watch about twins showed me how nature can affects your personality. The twins were separated from birth and they met each other after 35 years and they realize that they have too many similarities this showed us how the nature is important for this question. Although, I would Like to give an example about homosexual people. I knew some homosexual people and I talked them about their sexual orientation then I realized hat there are two kinds of homosexuality. One of them Is about the nature; some people are Borneo to be a man but they actually have a women soul inside in that body, so they are becoming homosexual after while they realized that and it is so normal in this time. Also, I met some homosexuals that nurture made them as a gay person. When I talked some of them told me that they have 2-3 sisters and they grow up with them, and they told me growing with sisters might made them a gay person. Long story short, in this two different gay personally situation it is easy to understand hat the nature and nurture are both effecting our lives. In conclusion, as in the argument of nature vs. nurture it is hard to define an answer for this question. As I mention the video of twins showed us that nature is playing a big part to make our personality. Also, the homosexuality situational Is showing us that the nurture can change our behavior and personality as much as nature. How to cite Nature vs nurture, Papers Nature vs Nurture Free Essays Running Head : NATURE VERSUS NURTURE ? Nature versus Nurture (Name (University (Professor (Course /Subject )? Nature versus Nurture ? Before psychology and sociology have dealt on the behaviour of man , the ? dominant view concerning human behaviour was centered on the theory ? proposed by Charles Darwin . He explains that , human nature and human ? behaviour are all natural . By this , Darwin proposed that humans acted ? out of natural tendencies or instincts which are dictated by nature ? through â€Å"genetic make up ‘ as later discovered by Gregor Mendel . We will write a custom essay sample on Nature vs Nurture or any similar topic only for you Order Now ? However , this kind of thinking was later on rejected through the ? knowledge of the role of â€Å"nurture ‘ which is a shaping a persons ? behaviour or attitudes and perspectives through cultural context . This ? idea was first instituted by John Watson in his â€Å"behaviourism .? Later on , social scientist began to claim the importance of learned ? social behaviour . On the part of Freud , he developed the theory of ? psychoanalysis which relates biological factors with personality and ? behaviour . He claimed that humans have basic needs that are prompted by ? rives and urges , however , humans are also influenced by society . A ? three dimensional personality results from this , that which is consist ? of the id-which is basically biological needs and satisfaction , the ? conscious ego-the pleasure dimension and the superego-the cultural ? influence to the individual , which includes , morality . Piaget on the ? other hand develops a cognitive theory , in which he created stages of ? how persons know things . The first is through sensorimotor stage which ? consist of sensory perception , followed by the pre-operational , wherein ? anguage are learned through cultural contact , thirdly , the concrete ? operational wherein the person already learned to use logic and ? relationships and finally the formal operational , characterized by the ? ability to think hypothetically . Kohlberg have outlined his ideas with ? Piaget , however , he is more concerned with moral development . According ? to him , the first stage is comprised of pain and pleasure which is ? termed as preconventional stage it would then be followed by ? conventional stage in which there is already recognition of right and ? rong . The final stage is the post conventional stage in which there is ? a possibility to critique or find fault within the normal cultural ? thinking . Carol Gilligan , work with and improved Kohlberg ideas by ? incorporating gender with moral development . According to her , males and ? females creates moral judgments using different perspective males uses ? justice perspective which is deeply connected to societal rules and ? bias , while women uses â€Å"care and responsibility ‘ perspective which is ? ttached to personal damage and harm . Mead recognizes the impact of ? societal bias to the perspective of the â€Å"self ‘ of each individual ,? promoting the concept of a â€Å"looking glass ‘ in which the person is ? conscious about how others perceived the person . The concept of a ? subjective self and an objective â€Å"me ‘ suggest that a person sees ? himself as both independent and dependent to the society in which he ? belong . Lastly , Erikson believ es that personality develops throughout a ? persons ‘ lifetime . How to cite Nature vs Nurture, Papers Nature VS Nurture Free Essays The Nature versus Nurture argument is one both psychologists and sociologists have looked at and studied extensively to the degree that it has become one of the great debates in both fields of research. On one side Nature, the argument that It Is the genes of the parents that shape a person behavior, personality and even the persons well being to an extent, but the other argument is that is is Nurture not Nature that controls how a person turns out and that It Is how you are brought up that will shape the person. Both arguments have legitimacy and proof for their lams. We will write a custom essay sample on Nature VS Nurture or any similar topic only for you Order Now One thing that Is said to be shaped by these factors Is your aggression and control of your aggression, most people will have heard things Like â€Å"you have your fathers temper† this Is a common view throughout society that people Inherit their parents aggressive or passive behavior, this would back the theory that Nature Is the deciding factor and to back this it has been found that things like ADD which can cause people to act out in various ways is actually hereditary, this therefore helps prove the theory that nature is what shapes a person aggression. However there is people that do not inherit or even have conditions similar to this in the family then how do you explain people that have similar anger issues when they don’t have a medical condition, this is why people argue that it is not nature but nurture that is the reason for peoples personality including the anger, this is because most parents bring up their children in a similar way to their upbringings which could lead to similar issues with aggression. I think that Nurture is a key factor as it is found that people brought up around violence or shown violence as way to solve things will us it hen they would have seen it for example if a parent says that if you do X I will hit you then is that child sees another child doing X then they are likely to hit the person as that is how they was brought up and they see that as the norm. Another thing that is argued is whether someone has even been born a killer, there has been stories throughout history of how people have been born to kill people, this has been a common tale for places such as Sparta and even In England with the cells. Forever there is little modern evidence to support this theory but there Is an Incredible amount of evidence of people that have been brought up with death of relatives and close friends which have lead to them becoming accustomed to the feeling around them a great example of this Is Myra Handled Infamous for a series of murders known as the moors murders, wh ere five 10-17 year olds were killed and burled by Myra and her husband Ian Brady. Myra was brought up by an ex-military father with a harsh hand, When Handled was aged 8, a local boy approached her In the street and scratched both of her cheeks with his fingernails, drawing blood. She burst into tears and ran into her parents’ house, to be met by her father, who emended that she â€Å"Go and punch him [the boy], because if you don’t I’ll leather you! † Handled found the boy and succeeded in knocking him down with a sequence of punches, as her father had taught her. As she wrote later, â€Å"at eight years old I’d drowned in her local reservoir while swimming, to which she blamed herself. This is just another example of how nurture is what defines us. In Conclusion Nurture is in my opinion based on all the evidence I have gathered and studied, the deciding factor of what creates a personality. This shows that it is more your upbringing than your genes that shape a person’s character. How to cite Nature VS Nurture, Papers Nature vs Nurture Free Essays NATURE NURTURE l. Human development Is based in 2 assumptions A. Having the capacity to become a member of human society B. We will write a custom essay sample on Nature vs Nurture or any similar topic only for you Order Now Becoming a social being through Interaction II. Nature and Nurture A. Nature biological factors implies the contribution of heredity to the human being human potential determiner examples: height, weight, health B. Nurture social environment all things that influence affects our human potential examples: nutrition, emotional experiences, psychological experiences Ill. The effects of nature and nurture are Inseparable. A. There Is an Interaction that exists between the 2. Example: Intelligence Nature- inherited through genes (could either be musical, verbal, mathematical, etc. L one may have a complex mix Nurture-factors that may affect intelligence: diet, exercise, environment ‘V. Social Isolation- depriving human beings from social experience – through this we can see the crucial role of social experience to human development -Sociologist Kinsley Davis A. Sociable’s Case- a 6 yr. Old child, with rickets, was raised by her mute and deaf mother In her grandfather’s attic B. Anna’s Case- a child who was isolated and shut- off from her family V. Feral Children- untamed, savage, and wild – suffered from extreme social isolation -has lived away from human contact from a very young age -raised in the wild by wild animals – Richard P. Appellate and William J. Chemicals (1997) A. Genie’s Case- a child who was raised in near isolation for the first twelve years of her life B. Victor’s Case- a French feral child who spent his majority of childhood in the woods VI. Institutionalized Children- Rene Spits (1945) A. Compared the Infants In an orphanage with those In the In a women’s prison nurseries W. Harrow Study- â€Å"Monkey Love Experiment† by Harry Harrow (1 sass) A. Infants and intimacy than from their need for milk. B. Love is vital for normal childhood development. How to cite Nature vs Nurture, Papers Nature vs nurture Free Essays string(119) " parents that she did not want to see Dry Money again and that if they forced her to go then she would commit suicide\." Whereas nurture is the environment around us that can influence our upbringing and it is the society around us that affect the way we think or do certain things. It refers to a person’s childhood and how they were brought up and what they learn. Nature vs. We will write a custom essay sample on Nature vs nurture or any similar topic only for you Order Now Nurture debate does not have a firm conclusion to say which one has more value as it is a debate that has been discussed between philosophers to identify which one has more influence in our lives. Some philosophers argue that the nature is most influential in our lives as it is part of our genetic makings, something that we cannot change even if we want to. Others argue that nurture is more influential as it determines our personality and our perspective of things, the way we view things. For example, a teenager wanting to be a doctor when they grow up is not part of our nature, it goes more towards nurture because it is the way we are brought up that influences our decisions in life. If a child had a parent who is a doctor and they watch their parent making people feel becoming well, then they might want to do the same as they might get fascinated by it. This decision that the child made to become a doctor is the doing of nurture because the child was influenced by what he saw around him. Nature on the other hand is nothing that can be fixed or change at any cost. For example, if a child was born with illness such as Cystic Fibrosis then this is something that they cannot recover from, they might get medication to help them survive but it is not something that they can get well from as it is part of their genetic making. Furthermore, some people argue that nurture has more influence in our lives because a serial killer does not become a murder because it is in his genes, but because they are influenced by what they see around them. Some philosophers claim that a person’s development is influenced by both nature and nurture. For example, if a person is born with blonde hair and blue eyes, this is something natural that they cannot change, however, if they live in a posh area, then their accent would be posh; this is something that is nurture is responsible for because the community a person lives in WOOL_SLD determines the accent they would have. Dry Money and the boy with no penis is the story of David Rimes who was turned in to a girl when he was baby due to his Penis being burned off during circumcision. When David was born he was called Bruce and his twin brother was called Brian. Dry John Money was a sexologist; he debates about sex changes operations on transsexual. When Brace’s penis was burned off, his parents Janet and Ron Rimes were very upset over and did not know what to do. When they found out about Dry Money, they finally found hope, knowing that he would be able to help their child. Dry Money believed that nurture can win out nature anytime. For example, he believed that a boy can be turned in to a girl and they would be able to live a happy normal life like every other person. When Brace’s parents contacted Dry Money, he found a way that he could prove his theory. He wanted to show the world that if a twin boy’s sex was changed and he was turned into a girl and treated like one, then that boy would be able to live a normal life as a girl. When he found about Bruce, he advised Bruce parents to treat him like a girl and not let her know that she was a boy. As Bruce did not have a penis, his parents thought that it was the perfect solutions for their son. Therefore, Brace’s sex Was changed and he was turned into a ‘she’ and was called Brenda. Brace’s twin brother Brian was rough up as a normal boy and he believed that he had a twin sister called Brenda. Brenda grew up believing she was a girl and her parents bought her pretty dresses to wear and dolls to play with. Everything was going smoothly and Brenda had regular visits with Dry Money to see how her life was going. Dry Money was convinced that his theory was working and that a child born as a boy can be turned in to a girl and lives a normal life and that nurture can win out nature. However, his theory was not really working because Brenda was not behaving like a girl, instead she did not like playing with dolls and wearing reuses. She became a tomboy and thought she was going crazy because she felt like a boy. She did not have any friends as girls did not want to play with her because she acted like a boy and boys did not want to play with her because she was a girl. Brenda was unhappy with her life. When she went to visit Dry Money again with Brian, he wanted her to understand the difference between a girl and a boy. He told her that girls have flat and boys have ‘sausage’. He wanted to convince Brenda so badly that he made both Brenda and Brian takes their clothes off and took pictures. He also tried to convince Brenda to have a vagina construction. Dry Money also introduced Brenda to a transsexual, who was born as interest (with both a vagina and a penis) and decided to become a female. Dry Money thought that the transsexual would be able to convince Brenda to go through the vagina construction. However, Brenda was very upset over it and run away from his office. When she went home she informed her parents that she did not want to see Dry Money again and that if they forced her to go then she would commit suicide. You read "Nature vs nurture" in category "Papers" Her parents were shocked over how Brenda was reacting and decided to stop sending her to see Dry Money. When Brenda turned 13 her parents could see how unhappy she was and that is when they decided to reveal the truth to the twins. When Brenda found out that she was a boy, she was very happy about it. However, her twin brother was not happy, instead he was very angry and upset to know that he was not the only boy in the family and to take his anger out he broke a window. On the other hand, Brenda decided to have an operation and get a penis and decided to call herself David. Now that he is a boy, David was very happy with his life. It seems that Dry Money theory about nurture winning out over nature was rang because it is clear that even though Brenda did not know she was a boy, she still felt like one and acted like a boy. She did not like things that girls like, this indicates that no matter how you are brought up, you cannot outrun the nature and you cannot change the way you are born. Therefore, it is nature can win nurture anytime because nature has more importance in a person’s life as it is something that is natural and not manmade. It can be clearly identified that even though David was brought up as a girl, deep inside he felt like a boy. His physical, emotional, social and intellectual development as affected because of it. Physically David did not like playing with dolls and wearing pretty dresses, instead he preferred to play video games and toy cars. Dry Money forced Brenda and her twin her brother Brian to take their clothes off and took picture of them. Intellectually Brenda thought she was going crazy because she felt like a boy and did not act like a girl. She wanted to commit suicide because she did not want to see Dry Money anymore. Due to the events happening in her life, Brenda was not doing so well in school. She was not able to concentrate in her school work and she was bullied by there children because Of the way she acted. When Brian found that Brenda was in fact a boy that his twin sister was a boy, he was very upset over it. Later on he developed schizophrenia and died. When David found out that he was a boy he was very happy about it as he thought he was going to crazy before because he did not feel like a girl. David felt lonely all lonely because he did not have any friends and he did not like visiting Dry Money as he felt uncomfortable with. David emotionally suffered from what had happened to him in the past and finally felt like he fit in once he found out that he was in fact a boy. David later on got married to Jane and was happy with her. When Jane asked to be have separate time away from David, he was upset about it and he did not have a job to support him. David felt overwhelmed with everything and committed suicide by shooting himself. Socially David always felt alone because he never really fit in as he did not have any friends to stay With. As he was depressed over his life, David did not like going out much. It can clearly be identified that in Dry Money was wrong about Nurture out being more significant than Nature as we can see that in Davit’s case nature overthrew nurture. It can be identified as David was born as a boy he always felt like a boy even though he was brought up like a girl and he was never even aware of his real gender. This is a perfect evidence to argue that nature can win out nurture anytime because no matter how David was brought up, his true feelings about himself and how he viewed the world was not false. His feelings could not be changed regardless of how or the way he was brought up. 18 years old Emily was born with Down syndrome and she attends public school with all the other people and she is doing well in her school work. SSH?s ridden pony from the age of four and takes part in the competition with everyone in the local riding club. Emily has a boyfriend and her own group of friends who she loves spending time with. She is now in college, finishing her A-levels and she also works. Having Down syndrome has affected Emil)/s physical, emotional and intellectual and social development. Email’s physical development has been affected by Down syndrome as her appearance is different from other individuals. Her nose has flat nasal bridge and she has a small mouth. Her eyes are smaller than other people in her Emily. When she talks her tongue gets in the way as it is bigger than average. Furthermore, her eyes are smaller normal people and her hands are small and fingers are broad. When Emily was born, her weight and length was below average. She is susceptible to illness; therefore, she is able to catch cold very quickly. Emily emotional development has also been affected by Down syndrome as she might find it difficult to cope and accept the fact that she is different from other children and that her physical appearances is also different from other peers or her sister. She might feel frustrated as she cannot do regular activities like normal people her age. Furthermore, she might also feel happy over the fact that she can spend time with her horses, looking after them make her feel proud of herself. Also Emily has a boyfriend which might make her feel good about herself, knowing that she has someone who loves her for who she is, having a boyfriend might also make her feel pretty and beautiful. Moreover, Emily also has a job which might also make her feel proud of herself as she can do regular job like other people and she would not feel left out. Although Emily might also feel alone and isolated from the rest of the world as she has difficulty talking, this might make her feel bad about herself. Emily seems happy with her life and she has a supportive mum who is always there for her so that might make her feel full and happy. Emily also attends college and has friends which may make her feel happy, knowing that she has people who care for her and are there for her. Although there might be days where she might wonder if people only stay with her and like her because they feel sorry for her due to her illness, or is it because they really like her as person. She might feel depressed and stressed out because of those thoughts. However, so far, Emily seems to be accepting her illness and feel positive towards life. The intellectual effect of Down syndrome in Email’s life is that she has no sense of danger like other people her age. For example, as her mum has explained, when Emily was young she did not know what danger was, I. E. , she would cross the road without waiting for the cars to stop and let her pass because she was not aware of harm as other children her age were. Emily suffers from learning disabilities, therefore, at school; she requires learning assistance as she has difficulty understanding school work. Furthermore, Emily has good knowledge of taking care of horses as she has her own pony that she regularly spends time with. Therefore, intellectually, she would be very good with looking after and caring for animals. Email’s life is socially very active as she has friends that she goes out and spends time with. She also has a boyfriend who she also spends time with by going on dates. Furthermore, as she likes riding horses, and has her own pony, she would most likely spend time with her horse every day. Also, she has a job; therefore, she would meet new people during her shifts, she would be able to socialize with them which would make her feel happy. Riding horse and looking after them helps Emily stay active and strong. Moreover, her parents meet up with other parents whose children also suffer from Down syndrome like Emily; therefore, she gets to meet with people that are like her. She would be able to open up to them and share her feels and spend time with them as they would be more understandable towards her due to the fact that they share the same illness as her. How to cite Nature vs nurture, Papers

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